Object: Flue Gas Cleaning System

Feasibility study of flue gas cleaning system

W.T.E. was required to deliver the feasibility study of a new flue gas cleaning system and flue gas duct layout to be installed on an industrial plant, owned by Corazzi Fibre, a leading company in the production of non woven abrasive web.  

detailed engineering gas dampers

Engineering services

W.T.E. provided detailed engineering  to METRIO tecnologia Srl for many projects including the draft of gas dampers, shutters, blanking plates. Final Clients of those projects were big company such as ENEL, ANSALDO

hazardous waste treatment palnt

Feasibility study

W.T.E. delivered a feasibility study  of  a new flue gas cleaning system to be installed on the hazarodus wastes incineration plant owned by BIOSUD Srl -Lecce

Basic Engineering

W.T.E. delivered to S.I.R.I.  (now Donau Carbon Technologies S.r.l.)  basic engineering for the development of  multiple size standardized systems for volatile organic compounds (VOC) disposal.