Object: Flue Gas Cleaning System

Steel mill Sollac

Risk analysis about a DeSOx system

W.T.E. delivered engineering services developing  the risk analysis (HAZOP)  of the DeSOx system realised and installed by ALSTOM on the French steel mill  Sollac.

De-dust system layout

Feasibility study of air cleaning system

In the ambit of fly ashes handling system installed in AMSA – Milano incineration plant, WTE was appointed to carry out the feasibility study for an air cleaning system. The air was drawn from the unloading fly ashes area, located in the fly ashes inertisation plant.


Startup & Commissioning

Engineering service and assistance for the start-up and commissioning of the new APC (air pollutant control system) of a power plant (3rd line, ASM power station – Brescia)

consulting engineering

Engineering services

Consulting and draft of blueprints, lay-out of flue gas desulphuration (FGD) systems, Endesa Los Barrios 6 Litoral 1 Power Plants, Spain

Desing and supply feeding, storage, filtration for RDF combustion plant

Dosing/Feeding System of industrial RDF (paper and plastic fine residues) to combustion system. The system included: vacuum system, pneumatic transportation, storage silos, capture and dust removal (filtration) Main components designed and delivered by W.T.E. were: -cyclon; -bag filter; – pneumatic transport fan.