Object: Flue Gas Cleaning System

Waste to energy Parona Lomallina

Engineering service on wte plant

W.T.E. provided  engineering services to ALSTOM for the project of a new flue gas treatment and fly ash storage package unit  to be installed on the line 2 of the waste to energy plant   in Parona L.na (Pavia)

Basic engineering for gas cleaning system, EfW Plant, Macomer (NU)

Progetto di rifacimento del sistema di depurazione fumi esistente (portata fumi 25.000 Nm3/h) sul termovalorizzatore a letto fluido di Macomer (NU). Ingegneria di base  completa di specifiche tecniche per la realizzazione di due filtri a maniche, di due sistemi in circuito chiuso di preriscaldo e di bypass fumi, del sistema di estrazione/scarico ceneri, degli strumenti …

Basic engineering for gas cleaning system, EfW Plant, Macomer (NU) Read More »


Engineering of APC system, EfW plant

IBI Spa ordered to W.T.E. the development of complete engineering of the air treatment system (reactor and Venturi) to be installed on the  MSW incineration plant, owned by CASIC, in Cagliari.

Gypsum slurry diverter during construction

Engineering and supply

ALSTOM Power Italia ordered to W.T.E. the engineering and the construction of a gypsum slurry diverter to be installed on SNET “Emil Huchet” coal power central, Saint Avold, France

construction supervision

Consulting about malfunctioning during commissioning of EfW plant

During the start-up and operational tuning of the new air treatment system installed on the MSW incineration plant owned by ACSM (CO), the supplier detected some defects and malfunctionings. W.T.E. delivered to Aster, the supplier, the study of the process in which the origin of failures were identified and possible solutions were suggested.  

flue gas cleaning system on coal plant

Risk analysis of a DeSOx system

W.T.E. delivered engineering services developing  the risk analysis (HAZOP)  of the DeSOx system realised and installed by ALSTOM on the French coal power plant SNET -Saint Avold.

Flue gas cleaning system

Engineering of APC system on a EfW plant

Engineering of the air treatment system (replacement of the existing semi-dry with a dry APC), CASIC Cagliari MSW incineration plant. New control logics of combustion.

acsm-amga como incineration plant

EfW plant startup and commisisoning

Aster advisor, commissioning of the ACSM Como MSW incineration plant air treatment system (two lines including calcium bicarbonate, SCR DeNOx systems and scrubber). W.T.E. led the training of the operators of the plant.