Object: Feeding system

waste to energy plant AEM Gestioni

Design and supply

AEM Gestione Srl ordered to W.T.E. the replacement of the system to feed furnace with medical waste, installed on the Line n.1 of the incineration plant in Cremona. The new system included an innovative solution to insure cooling with water collected from the existing boiler. Capacity: 2 lines of 17,8 MWth : 198 t/d x …

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feeding system

Engineering services

W.T.E. supported TBF AG  in the engineering of the feasibility study for the feasibility study of new AMSA Milano 61.5 MWt incineration plant.    

Waste to energy plant AEM Gestioni

Feasibility study

Feasibility study for replacement of the existing system to feed medical wastes on Waste to energy plant in Cremona. Owner AEM Gestioni Srl.