Activity: Feasibility Study

Ledoga SpA-S.Michele Mondovì

Study to replace an existing furnace with a new one w/mobile combustion grate

Ledoga S.p.A. is a company of Silvateam Group; the main facility existing in S.Michele Mondovì uses thermal and electrical energy produced by the power station installed within its own industrial area. The company ordered to W.T.E. the feasibility study to replace the ancient existing furnace with a new one way mobile combustion grate in order …

Study to replace an existing furnace with a new one w/mobile combustion grate Read More »

piping of thermal cycle

Feasibility study

Troubleshooting and availability improvement  of the thermal cycle installed on incineration plant owned by A.AM.P.S. in Livorno (turbogenerator 6.7 MWe gross). Following this study W.T.E. received the order to carry out the revamping of thermal cycle and auxiliaries.

consulting engineering

Feasibility study: integration of a 3 x 61 MWt MSW incineration plant with a combined turbogas cycle

Technical and economical viability of the integration of a 3 x 61 MWt MSW incineration plant with a turbogas cycle. The study of the impact on generation performances was developed by the analysis of 24 different operational functioning, related to weather conditions during the year. Main data of boiler and condenser  performances were described by …

Feasibility study: integration of a 3 x 61 MWt MSW incineration plant with a combined turbogas cycle Read More »

Waste to energy plant AEM Gestioni

Feasibility study

Feasibility study for replacement of the existing system to feed medical wastes on Waste to energy plant in Cremona. Owner AEM Gestioni Srl.

hazardous waste treatment palnt

Feasibility study

W.T.E. delivered a feasibility study  of  a new flue gas cleaning system to be installed on the hazarodus wastes incineration plant owned by BIOSUD Srl -Lecce